Rewilding Europe has been putting rewilding principles into practice in the field for many years. Join us for a webinar on June 3 as several of our practical rewilding experts share their insight and expertise.

Results on the ground

Rewilding is often viewed through an abstract, academic and theoretical lens, with results on the ground often hard to quantify. But Rewilding Europe’s pragmatic approach has been delivering such results for many years now. The free 45-minute webinar – ‘Rewilding Principles In Practice’ – will explore this progress, with a focus on the inspiring Danube Delta, which has been undergoing a rewilding transformation for almost ten years now. The Delta presents a unique opportunity to restore a whole spectrum of biodiverse habitats: from large wetlands and coastal lagoons, to vast steppe landscape and forests.
Mykhailo Nesterenko, the Danube Delta rewilding area Team Leader, will showcase past and present rewilding efforts from Europe’s largest remaining natural wetland, taking us on a virtual journey through actions on the ground, challenges faced and lessons learned, as nature has been given the space to reshape the landscape. And our Head of Landscapes, Deli Saavedra, will be guiding us through his personal experiences of rewilding, speaking about how its intrinsic value has influenced his life and driven forward his passion to promote the restoration of ecosystems.
The webinar will take place on June 3 at 11:00am CEST. You can register here.
Embracing natural solutions

Rewilding Europe’s work is guided by a set of principles co-formulated by rewilding practitioners from across Europe. It’s a framework that not only brings ecological and environmental benefits, but psychological, social, economic and climatological ones too. In practice, it’s about letting natural processes unfold as nature intended and embracing natural solutions.
And rewilding is also about the way we work and think. It’s about working together, exchanging knowledge, helping people reconnect with nature, boosting nature-based economies and creating a healthy and sustainable future more in tune with the natural world.
A global movement
On June 5th, World Environment Day, the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration will officially launch, in a bid to halt and reverse the worldwide degradation of ecosystems. As an official supporting partner of the UN Decade, Rewilding Europe is joining the official launch programme with the rewilding principles webinar vividly illustrating restoration in action.
By bringing together organisations from all over the world, the UN Decade is building a strong, broad-based global movement to ramp up restoration and aim higher when it comes to what’s possible for habitat regeneration and species comeback. The partnership underlines the value of our rewilding mission, and our work to promote rewilding as a mainstream approach to landscape-scale ecosystem restoration. It’s hoped that our free online event will inspire many more people to develop an interest in rewilding and pursue its applications in a similarly practical way. Everyone can play a part.
A rewilding alliance
The idea of rewilding is gaining more and more traction, and as it does so, its principles find their way into mainstream thinking and policy. The Global Rewilding Alliance, of which Rewilding Europe is a proud partner, currently has over 125 members across more than 70 countries and is working to connect people across the world who share a vision of a wilder, more ecologically enriched world.
As an official Restoration Implementer of the UN Decade, the Alliance will represent rewilding organisations worldwide in the official launch programme, by hosting an event on June 3rd, 4-5:30pm CEST on the need for nature to tackle our climate emergency. During this event, they will host a conversation between experts on rewilding as a solution to mitigate climate breakdown.
Want to know more?
- Visit our ‘Rewilding Principles in Practice’ event page and register.
- Learn more about the Rewilding Principles.
- Visit the official World Environment Day website.