Funding from the German brewery, which has already proved vital to rewilding work carried out in the delta in 2017, will be used for ongoing river restoration and habitat improvement.

Rewilding Europe and the Rewilding Oder Delta team are delighted to announce that support by the Krombacher Brewery for rewilding efforts in the delta will continue in 2018. Krombacher’s ongoing collaboration with Deutsche Umwelthilfe (DUH), Rewilding Europe’s partner organisation in the German part of the Oder Delta, will see the German NGO receive further funding of 162,250 euros. This will be used to support ongoing river restoration and measures to aid fish migration, and to improve habitat for grey seals and waterbirds in and around the Stettin Lagoon, a Natura 2000 site and Important Bird Area on the Polish side.
DUH first benefitted from the Krombacher Brewery Species Conservation Project in mid-2016, receiving over 800,000 euros in funding for three conservation projects (of which two were in the delta). Support from the Kreutzal-based company, one of the largest privately owned breweries in Germany, was instrumental in improving habitat for various fish species, otters and the lesser spotted eagle in 2017.
“With the help of the Krombacher Brewery we can continue to improve habitat conditions for overwintering waterbirds and grey seals in the Oder Delta and adjacent coastal regions,” says Ulrich Stöcker, DUH’s Head of Nature Conservation. “We are deeply grateful to the brewery for continuing their critical support.”
One of the Krombacher-funded projects in 2017 (now finished) saw DUH identify and protect suitable feeding habitats for the lesser spotted eagle in the Oder Delta’s Ueckermünde Heath area. In Germany this beautiful raptor is one of the rarest breeding bird species, with only about 100 breeding pairs left in the northeastern part of the country, most of them in the Oder Delta rewilding area and its surroundings. Nest protection shields were also installed to protect eagle nests against predation in order to boost breeding success.
Launched in 2016, Krombacher’s Conservation Project has funded numerous projects to conserve and improve the habitat of endangered species across Germany. This has benefitted animals and birds such Eurasian lynx, otters, grey seals, long-tailed ducks, black storks, as well as lesser spotted eagles.
- Read more about Rewilding Europe’s work in the Oder Delta.
- Visit the Rewilding Oder Delta Facebook page.
- Experience the Oder Delta with the European Safari Company.