We want to make Europe a wilder place, with more space for wild nature, wildlife and natural processes. Donate and become part of the rewilding movement. You can support rewilding actions all over Europe by making a general donation, supporting special funds or choosing specific species. Let’s rewild and make Europe a wilder place!

Support Rewilding Europe’s mission
It is our goal to see rewilding being practiced at scale across Europe. With many actors we create a Europe that is richer in nature and more resilient to climate change. We aim to demonstrate the benefits of wilder nature by creating at least 15 rewilding landscapes by 2030 and to inspire and enable others to engage in rewilding by providing tools and practical expertise.

European Wildlife Comeback Fund
Supporting wildlife comeback is one of the core objectives of Rewilding Europe’s mission. In addition to creating the right conditions for wildlife comeback to happen naturally, we take active measures such as reintroductions of keystone species and population reinforcements.
Reintroductions are complicated processes that typically face many challenges and need a long preparation time. This often makes it difficult to match the timing of when funding is available with the timing of animals release into the wild. To overcome this challenge, Rewilding Europe aims to provide immediate funding for reintroductions and population reinforcements that are ready to be executed through the European Wildlife Comeback Fund.
The unprecedented rate at which biodiversity is currently declining makes the urgent prioritisation of supporting wildlife comeback all the more critical. The good news is that quite a number of wildlife species have shown signs of recovery across Europe over the last four decades, proving that wild nature is resilient and can recover if conditions are suitable. Wildlife can return if we give it space and take measures to live alongside each other. The recovery of wildlife populations is something we need to embrace and learn from. Accelerating and widening wildlife comeback in Europe can improve the health and functionality of entire ecosystems, delivering a huge array of benefits, for nature, climate and people.

Next Generation Rewilders
Engaging and empowering young people is vital to the growth of rewilding. Therefore, we are setting up the ‘European Young Rewilders’.
With its positive message and emphasis on practical conservation, rewilding is playing an increasingly important role connecting younger generations with nature. With the European Young Rewilders we want to inspire and support the next generation of European conservationists to help restore the natural world.
Their mission: “We want to support the upscaling of rewilding in Europe by engaging young professionals and enthusiasts to become active players and leaders in the rewilding movement.”
Help us to support the development of the European Young Rewilders and allow them to unite young professionals and enthusiasts!
People around the world are supporting us – see why
Rewilding is the most beautiful idea I have ever seen in the world. The idea to bring back Europe some semblance of it’s past animals is breath-taking and desperately needed.
– Raleigh Latham
The European bison is an impressive animal and it deserves our efforts to establish it as an integral part of our European ecosystem in sufficient numbers.
– Roland Babilon
Sustainability is a key word for our ability to live off and on this planet. If the rewilding of Europe can be achieved it is a large step in a direction where it has become a reality.
– Niclas Ohlsson
A small symbolic amount just to feel like being part of it.
– Maarten Kleijne
I would love to see these guys roaming free all over Europe!
– Philip Parkes
I want to help in the restoration of the open landscape ecosystem of the east of Europe.
– Guido
Saving the wild life in Europe is something vital for our future and every European citizen should contribute to this.
– Anastasiya
Because if we don’t help, no one will, and because the result from the cause is here to stay for us and our children.
– Vladimir

Support the vultures
Four species of vultures are found in Europe: griffon, cinereous/black, Egyptian and bearded. We are working in various ways to support the recovery of vulture populations in our rewilding landscapes, as a flagship species of healthy food chains and functioning ecosystems.
We are focusing on the recovery and further expansion of the cinereous and griffon vulture populations in the Rhodope Mountains (Bulgaria), Central Apennines (Italy) as well as the Greater Côa Valley (Portugal), and in Velebit Mountains (Croatia).
Help Europe’s lords of the skies take to the air once again!

Return of the lynx
Of the four species of lynx that exist globally, two are found in Europe – the Eurasian lynx, and its cousin, the smaller, more brightly coloured Iberian lynx, which is now confined to southern Spain and Portugal.
Rewilding Europe supports the comeback of both species by creating more wild nature through natural grazing, which favours the conditions for prey species like the rabbit.
The Eurasian lynx is found as a breeding species in five of Rewilding Europe’s landscapes: the Central Apennines (Italy), Velebit Mountains (Croatia), Southern Carpathians (Romania) and (Bulgaria), as well as Swedish Lapland (Sweden) and the Oder Delta.
Although no Iberian lynx have settled in the Greater Côa Valley in northern Portugal, an animal released in 2014 in southern Spain has visited the area. The local rewilding team are working hard to create favourable conditions for the animals to recolonise the area. By introducing wild herbivores mosaic landscapes are created, favouring prey species such as European rabbit and red-legged partridge.
Help Europe’s “big cats” make a welcome recovery.

Return of the European bison
The European bison, the largest land mammal on our continent, was severely hunted until it finally became extinct in the wild in 1927. By then, only 54 individuals remained, all in captivity. Rewilding Europe has made an action plan and works with many partners to bring back the European bison to its ancestral lands by establishing new wild bison populations in several of our rewilding areas, and creating new breeding stations. We have released more than 30 bison into European landscapes and will continue to do so through cooperation with wildlife parks and zoos in Europe.
The bison is not only endangered and in strong need of more space to roam, it is also what is called a “keystone” species in Europe’s ecosystems. Its grazing and browsing behaviour opens up bush land into open mosaic landscapes and its trampling and manure creates space for hundreds of other species. The bison is simply a biodiversity enforcer that we really need out there.
Support the return and expansion of the European bison to the landscapes where they once belonged.

Wild and free horses
Wild horses speak to our imagination as symbols of freedom and wild spirit. Rewilding Europe is working to bring back the wild horse to where it once belonged, into the European landscapes, where it used to be a vital part of the ecosystem for hundreds of thousands of years.
The last European wild horse died as late as in 1909. Before that, wild horses roamed through most of Europe’s ecosystems; from deserts, steppes and savannahs to deep forests and high mountains. It was exterminated and domesticated by our ancestors. Therefore, even though the original wild horse is now gone, there are still millions of horses around, and some horse breeds to this day carry on most of the gene material of the original wild horse. Many of them also live a semi-wild life already, exposed to wild challenges that are step by step refining and bringing back the wild, original traits in them.
Support the return of the wild horse in Croatia, Bulgaria and Portugal.
We would like to say thank you
€5 donation
A big thank you from the Rewilding Europe team
€25 donation
A certificate showing you are rewilding Europe together with us
€100 and more donation
Computer wallpaper image from one of Europe’s best nature photographers
- Are you interested in supporting rewilding with more than 10.000 euros or leaving a gift for Rewilding Europe in your will? Please contact Johan Booij: johan.booij@rewildingeurope.com
- Donors from the US can donate to Rewilding Europe through CAF America, thereby potentially qualifying for tax benefits applicable to US tax citizens. CAF America is a donor-driven organization that makes grants exclusively at the suggestions of US based donors, and qualified Rewilding Europe as an eligible organisation to receive US donations. US donors can use this Gift Form.