European Wildlife Comeback Fund

Supporting wildlife comeback is one of the core objectives of Rewilding Europe’s mission. In addition to creating the right conditions for wildlife comeback to happen naturally, Rewilding Europe takes active measures such as reintroductions of keystone species and population reinforcements.

Reintroductions are complicated processes that typically face many challenges and need a long preparation time. This often makes it difficult to match the timing of when funding is available with the timing of animals release into the wild. To overcome this challenge, Rewilding Europe aims to provide immediate funding for reintroductions and population reinforcements that are ready to be executed through the European Wildlife Comeback Fund.

The unprecedented rate at which biodiversity is currently declining makes the urgent prioritisation of supporting wildlife comeback all the more critical. The good news is that quite a number of wildlife species have shown signs of recovery across Europe over the last four decades, proving that wild nature is resilient and can recover if conditions are suitable.

Wildlife can return if we give it space and take measures to live alongside each other. The recovery of wildlife populations is something we need to embrace and learn from. Accelerating and widening wildlife comeback in Europe can improve the health and functionality of entire ecosystems, delivering a huge array of benefits, for nature, climate and people.

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