
New bison calves born in the Southern Carpathians

August 17, 2018  |  News

Born into herds in both the Armeniș and Poiana Ruscă rewilding areas, the four healthy calves show significant progress is being made in establishing a fully wild, viable bison population in this part of Romania.

Raptor comeback highlights Côa Valley’s rewilding potential

August 1, 2018  |  News

Monitoring of raptor species in the Faia Brava Nature Reserve and Côa Valley Special Protection Area (SPA) shows griffon vultures have made a dramatic return to the Western Iberia rewilding area since the 1990s. This bodes well for ongoing rewilding efforts here.

Tagged black vulture from Greece makes a Bulgarian flyover

July 13, 2018  |  News

The journey of the juvenile bird offers hope that efforts to reestablish the black vulture as a breeding species in Bulgaria may ultimately be successful. It also highlights the importance of maintaining a well-connected network of vulture-friendly habitats.

Rewilding Europe joins Dam Removal Europe

July 11, 2018  |  News

Complementing river restoration work in its own operational areas, Rewilding Europe will collaborate with partner organisations in this new initiative to campaign for and support the removal of dams from European waterways. In this way we can scale up river rewilding across the continent.

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