
Water buffalo release boosts natural dynamics in the Danube Delta

May 21, 2019  |  News

Rewilding Europe completed its first ever translocation of water buffalo last week, with a herd of seven animals successfully released on Ermakov Island in the Ukrainian part of the Danube Delta. The hefty herbivores will create and maintain a mosaic landscape on the island – thereby supporting the area’s dynamic, wild nature – as well as driving development of local nature-based tourism.

Science article sees researchers favour rewilding approach to nature restoration

April 25, 2019  |  News

In the current issue of leading journal Science, an international team of researchers calls for a shift toward the dynamic, process-led restoration where nature takes much more care of itself. They present a science-based framework for rewilding as an effective way of helping degraded ecosystems regenerate and sustain themselves.

Estonia’s massive dam removal efforts highlight benefits of river restoration

April 23, 2019  |  News

The removal of the Sindi Dam and other barriers along Estonia’s Pärnu River will mean more than 3000 kilometres of waterway can flow unrestricted once again. By allowing salmon and other fish species to migrate naturally, this will breathe new life into the river basin and local economies. Estonia’s pioneering efforts will be showcased during a Dam Removal Europe seminar on May 22 and 23, 2019.

Effective communications strenghten human-wildlife coexistence

April 12, 2019  |  News

When it comes to changing people’s ways of thinking, building public support, creating positive attitudes and engaging with stakeholders, powerful communications is essential. During the latest webinar of the European Rewilding Network (ERN) two members gave insightful presentations on communications best practice.

Back from the brink: griffon vultures continue their Rhodopean comeback

March 21, 2019  |  News

The number of griffon vulture pairs in the Rhodope Mountains rewilding area in Bulgaria has now reached 95, paying testament to the efforts of the local rewilding team and partners. With the number of griffons in the Bulgarian and Greek sections of the Rhodope Mountains now totalling over 100 pairs, this magnificent yet locally endangered species continues its gradual reestablishment in the Balkans.

Rewilding Europe seeks an early career professional to join its Supervisory Board

March 20, 2019  |  News

As an exciting and innovative approach to conservation, rewilding increasingly inspires and resonates with younger generations, with a growing number of millennials now looking to engage with the rewilding movement. Rewilding Europe is now offering a unique opportunity for a dynamic and visionary rewilding enthusiast in the early stages of their professional career (under the age of 30) to join its Supervisory Board.

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