
New study to evaluate rewilding in Oder Delta

February 21, 2022  |  News

How can rewilding enhance nature and the benefits it provides, as well as generate stakeholder support? By answering these questions, a new study in the Oder Delta could lead to the scaling up of rewilding in Germany.

Natural grazing delivering increasing benefits across Europe

February 16, 2022  |  News

Low intensity grazing by wild and semi-wild herbivores delivers a wide range of benefits to people and nature. The fourth in our ongoing series of impact stories takes a look at how rewilding has enhanced such grazing within European landscapes over the last decade.

Croatian capercaillie initiative to join the European Rewilding Network

January 27, 2022  |  News

Rewilding Capercaillie is Croatia’s only licensed breeding enterprise for capercaillie, a rare and strictly protected bird of mountainous woodland regions, and the largest member of the grouse family. For almost ten years they have been working to reinforce their diminishing population through captive breeding.

Rewilding Europe receives grant from ForestPeace Foundation

January 18, 2022  |  News

The Foundation’s aim to improve relations between nature and people fits perfectly with our vision that wilder nature is valued and treated as crucial for a prosperous and healthy society. The funding, which has been awarded on an unrestricted basis, will be used to advance rewilding in Europe.

Rewilding Europe launches ambitious new strategy for 2030

January 7, 2022  |  News

The overall aim of “Strategy 2030”, Rewilding Europe’s pioneering and ambitious plan for the next decade, is to advance and scale up rewilding. Working towards its objectives with partners from across the continent will help to deliver a Europe that is richer in wild nature, with all the benefits this brings for people and planet.

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