
How important is nature conservation to you personally?

February 18, 2015  |  Blog

The original task of nature conservation to protect valuable areas and species has expanded over time, together with the awareness of people in general. In the past decade the biodiversity conservation has been given a prominent place in nature conservation work. But is this reflected in the opinions of people living in and around rewilding areas?

Rewilding in progress – learning from the American Prairie Reserve

January 14, 2015  |  Blog

Between 25 September and 4 October 2014, Frans Schepers and Wouter Helmer visited Wyoming and Montana in the United States, where they were invited to speak about Rewilding Europe at the 2014 Annual Gathering of the American Prairie Reserve. This is the second out of a series of blogs, presenting some of the impressions of their visit.

Life in the wild of the Eastern Rhodopes, Bulgaria

January 9, 2015  |  Blog

“The Eastern Rhodopes are one of the most beautiful places in Europe! You will see!” Frank Zanderink told me, when I was preparing for my internship. Frank Zanderink is the “students’ broker” for Rewilding Europe. I agreed with him silently in my mind when for the first time in my life I saw the beautiful Eastern Rhodopes.

Meet the people of the Central Apennines, Italy

December 1, 2014  |  Blog

For me, being on a photo mission has usually meant traveling and working far away from home, in a more or less exotic place. It therefore was a novel feeling to be “on assignment” for Rewilding Europe in the Central Apennines of Italy, which is really literally speaking my own backyard.

Yellowstone Park: with more bison older forests?

October 27, 2014  |  Blog

Between 25 September and 4 October 2014, Frans Schepers and Wouter Helmer visited Wyoming and Montana in the United States, where they were invited to speak about Rewilding Europe at the 2014 Annual Gathering of the American Prairie Reserve. Apart from the American Prairie Reserve, they also visited Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Park. This is a first out of a series of blogs, presenting some of the impressions of their visit.

Releasing new Bosnian Mountain horses into Velebit

October 22, 2014  |  Blog

On the morning of September 29, a horse transport was made in cooperation with the International Association of Bosnian Mountain Horse breeders, for release in Malo Libinje, at Petar Knežević’s farm in the Velebit rewilding area. I accompanied the truck carrying this first group of five new Bosnian mountain horses.

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