
Nature: our best ally

October 22, 2019  |  Blog

In today’s complex world, working with nature – rather than against it – can help us to overcome many challenges. A view which is embraced by 1% for the Planet, a charity which supports Rewilding Europe’s work, and which recently featured a longer version of the following article on their website.

Free flow: rewilding rivers through barrier removal

September 24, 2019  |  Blog

Thousands of dams and other man-made obstacles fragment the world’s waterways. Their removal, which is now happening at an increasing rate in many European countries, is the best way to breathe new life into rivers and local economies.

Connecting with kids in the Central Apennines

August 29, 2019  |  Blog

Today rewilding is playing an increasingly important role connecting young people with wild nature. This spring and summer has seen a number of exciting educational events take place in the Central Apennines rewilding area.

New Supervisory Board member: Aleksandrina Mitseva

July 4, 2019  |  Blog

Rewilding Europe is thrilled to welcome Aleksandrina Leonidova Mitseva as a new member of its supervisory board. With this new appointment, Rewilding Europe wants to provide the opportunity for an early career, dynamic and visionary rewilding enthusiast to gain experience in a board position and help shape the rewilding movement in Europe.

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