Tag: wildlife watching

Photography workshop puts nature in focus for Velebit students

July 31, 2024  |  News

The recovery of nature in Croatia’s Velebit Mountains is enabling an economic shift from hunting to wildlife watching. By putting cameras in the hands of local students, and enabling them to connect with their natural environment, a recent photography workshop highlighted the social benefits of this transition.

Marker Wadden reaches milestone with island opening

September 14, 2018  |  News

The newly opened island, one of five created in the Markermeer as part of the Netherlands-based Marker Wadden rewilding project, attracted crowds of nature lovers. By creating new habitat and improving water quality, the project is reconnecting people with wild nature and boosting biodiversity.

Rewilding volunteers give and gain in the Central Apennines

August 2, 2018  |  Blog

A succession of European Erasmus+ students are now volunteering with Italian NGO Salviamo l’Orso. As they make an invaluable contribution to Marsican brown bear conservation in the Central Apennines rewilding area, they are also learning from their experience.

Rewilding Stories: Enterprising Endeavour

July 18, 2018  |  Blog

Rewilding Europe’s enterprise work is now seeing nature-based businesses mushroom across Europe. The economic prosperity they are generating is benefitting people and wild nature on a growing scale.

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