Tag: Swedish Lapland

Dam removal boosts connectivity in Swedish Lapland

October 23, 2024  |  News

A grant from the Open Rivers Programme has enabled the removal of a number of small dams in the catchment of the Vindel River, in the Swedish Lapland rewilding landscape. By enabling the free flow of water, this will help to revitalise waterscapes and the wildlife populations they support.

The people perspective

September 23, 2020  |  Blog

Rewilding means more than recovering wildlife populations and restoring landscapes. People are an equally important and integral component of the rewilding dynamic too. From bison rangers in the Southern Carpathians and nature guides in the Oder Delta to volunteers in the Central Apennines and entrepreneurs in the Velebit Mountains, Rewilding Europe’s work continues to touch and transform people’s lives across the continent. Four interviews showcase the diversity of this impact.

Wild about film

July 6, 2020  |  Blog

Films that feature wildlife and wild nature can be incredibly powerful. A trio of captivating media productions is helping Rewilding Europe boost the global outreach of rewilding.

Free flow: rewilding rivers through barrier removal

September 24, 2019  |  Blog

Thousands of dams and other man-made obstacles fragment the world’s waterways. Their removal, which is now happening at an increasing rate in many European countries, is the best way to breathe new life into rivers and local economies.

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