Tag: Marsican bear

Making the Connection

September 20, 2018  |  News

By reconnecting isolated areas of wild nature, wildlife corridors are an effective method of enhancing biodiversity and boosting animal populations. Rewilding Europe, which is working to establish wildlife corridors in a number of its operational areas, believes rewilding can help to create an urgently needed, well-connected network of green and blue infrastructure right across Europe.

Rewilding volunteers give and gain in the Central Apennines

August 2, 2018  |  Blog

A succession of European Erasmus+ students are now volunteering with Italian NGO Salviamo l’Orso. As they make an invaluable contribution to Marsican brown bear conservation in the Central Apennines rewilding area, they are also learning from their experience.

Central Apennines rewilding initiative relaunched with new partner

June 19, 2018  |  News

The Central Apennines rewilding area in Italy will see Rewilding Europe and Rewilding Apennines work together in a new set up to develop this area as a prime example of European rewilding. One of the first steps is a cooperation with local NGO Salviamo l’Orso to help conserve and boost the critically endangered local population of Marsican brown bears.

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