Tag: communicating rewilding

Rewilding conference generates optimism for the future

January 28, 2025  |  News

What will tomorrow’s wild look like? Citizen Zoo’s “Rewilding Futures” conference, which took place on January 17 and 18 in the UK, offered strategies, solutions, and a clear message: now is the time to rewild with boldness and determination.

New film series set to showcase and scale up European rewilding

April 21, 2022  |  News

Thanks to a partnership with global law firm Hogan Lovells, a new series of short films showcasing the work of Rewilding Europe will begin production this spring. By demonstrating the beneficial impact of our rewilding efforts, this exciting series will boost outreach and help to scale up rewilding.

Symposium success reveals huge potential of rewilding

December 8, 2020  |  News

With over 2000 participants, the enormous interest in last week’s Rewilding Symposium shows that rewilding is being increasingly embraced as a progressive approach to conservation. As the connection between rewilding science and practice develops, the impact of rewilding will continue to scale up and inspire others to become involved.

New documentary to enhance Portuguese rewilding movement

November 26, 2020  |  News

A new documentary “Rewilding: a new path for nature in Portugal” showcases the rewilding efforts of the Rewilding Portugal team and partners. By educating and inspiring viewers, it aims to take rewilding in Portugal to the next level.

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