Rewilding Climate Solutions

High-impact investment for nature, climate and people

Juan Carlos Muñoz Robredo / Rewilding Europe

Rewilding Climate Solutions

High-impact investment for nature, climate and people

Enabling large-scale nature recovery

Tahir Abbas

Nature positive investments

Rewilding Europe enables landscape-scale nature recovery across Europe by demonstrating that rewilding initiatives can generate new and significant value for landowners and managers, investors, a wider network of stakeholders, and society at large.

In collaboration with Wetlands International as a technical partner and with funding from the Grantham Foundation for the Protection of the Environment, Rewilding Europe is setting up a company to significantly enhance investment in rewilding, called Rewilding Climate Solutions.


Close to home: Europe

Today there is an urgent need to scale up nature recovery in Europe – to address climate change and biodiversity decline, and to make the continent more liveable and prosperous for all.

There is also a growing recognition that rewilding is one of the best ways of delivering such a recovery, in a way that benefits biodiversity, climate and people at the same time. This is leading to significant and growing demand in the private sector for investment opportunities within Europe that deliver such co-benefits.

“Rewilding at scale is one of the best ways of addressing climate change, enhancing biodiversity, and enriching communities and businesses in a sustainable way. This is why we are committed to making rewilding commercially viable and investible.”

Timon Rutten

Timon Rutten
Head of Enterprise

Connecting investors and landowners

With the aim of significantly scaling up European rewilding, Rewilding Climate Solutions will unlock nature, climate and people positive investment in Europe by connecting:

Landowners and managers interested in or already engaged in landscape-scale rewilding.

Carbon buyers and impact investors looking to invest in rigorously verified, long-term, high-impact rewilding initiatives.

Through Rewilding Climate Solutions we enhance the commercial viability of rewilding initiatives by enabling them to sell nature-based carbon credits to the market.  Such credits will differ from more traditional carbon credits in that they will facilitate the restoration of European landscapes in line with Rewilding Principles – thereby enhancing carbon capture and biodiversity, and delivering a range of other co-benefits, such as clean air, fresh water, and thriving nature-based economies.

Contact us

Landowners and managers

Do you have land that you want to rewild with at least 100 hectares? Are you interested in creating and selling nature-based carbon credits in order to finance your rewilding efforts? Are you looking for assistance with practical rewilding?

We aim to secure investment for your rewilding ambition, and provide the expertise and skills necessary to see that ambition realised. Contact us to find out how we can support you – including help with credit development, income sourcing and pre-financing, and on-the-ground rewilding.

Carbon buyers and Impact Investors

Are you looking to invest in a unique, high-impact, long-term, landscape-scale European rewilding initiative delivering verified benefits for climate, nature and local communities? An initiative located close to where you operate and where your employees and customers are based?

An initiative with which you can be intimately connected, which will showcase your positive and progressive climate, nature and social commitments? Find out more how Rewilding Climate Solutions could support your ambitions.

Find out more about how Rewilding Climate Solutions can support you

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Cases in point

Located in central-eastern Spain, the Iberian Highlands became the tenth rewilding landscape in the Rewilding Europe portfolio in October 2022. Rewilding Europe’s partner Rewilding Spain is now working to conserve the last remaining old-growth forest in this unique landscape.

Saving these rare, magnificent and irreplaceable old trees will not only ensure their valuable and substantial contribution to carbon sequestration continues, but that they continue to host much of the area’s spectacular biodiversity – biodiversity which can form the basis for a thriving nature-based economy in the area, which has long suffered from rural depopulation and economic decline.

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