
First Antipoison Dog Unit starts patrolling in Rhodope Mountains

October 11, 2016  |  LIFE Vultures news, News

This summer, Nikolay Terziev from the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds (BSPB) spent nearly two months in Hungary where he was trained as dog handler for the first Antipoison Dog Unit in Bulgaria. The main objective of the Unit is to create poison-free areas by controlling and removing poisoned baits before they can cause damage.

Promotional film of Rewilding Europe released today

September 27, 2016  |  News

We are excited to announce the release of Rewilding Europe’s first promotional film today, presenting our vision for a wilder Europe. Take a few moments and travel with us to some of the rewilding areas in which we work, learn about the historic opportunities for rewilding, and how this can benefit both nature and people.

LIFE – Vultures Project presented during Vulture Awareness Day celebration

September 15, 2016  |  LIFE Vultures news, News

Last Friday, the Life project “Conservation of Black and Griffon vultures in the cross-border Rhodope Mountains” held its opening ceremony during the International Vulture Awareness Day celebration in Bulgaria. The project focuses on the recovery and further expansion of black and griffon vulture populations in this part of the Balkan region, simultaneously developing nature based tourism thus providing long-term benefits for the local communities.

Rewilding Europe withdraws from the Eastern Carpathians

September 15, 2016  |  News

We regret to announce that recently, Rewilding Europe had to decide to withdraw from the Eastern Carpathians rewilding area. The main reason is that, despite several years of trying, we have found that at the moment there is no enabling environment for a major rewilding initiative in the region.

Wildlife watching hides in Velebit open for guests

September 6, 2016  |  News

Over the last two years, a new venture into wildlife watching and simultaneous wildlife research led to the construction and set up of two wildlife hides in the Velebit Mountains. This summer the hides opened their doors to the public and have already shown to be a success in various fields. As an attractive new nature travel offering, the hides are a small but relevant step forward to further develop a nature-based economy in Croatian Velebit Mountains.

Holograms explaining the bison behaviour and impact on nature in Romania

August 24, 2016  |  LIFE Bison news, News

The Bison Visitor Centre in Armeniș, Țarcu Mountains, Romania, is now presenting scientific data about the bison in a playful and immersive way. It has the biggest holographic projection in Europe with two more installations that were built at the crossroads between art and technology. The data feed, animating the installations, is being continuously collected from the field by trainees from Romania and abroad who study different relevant subjects related to natural sciences. They live and work in the nearby village of Feneș, at the Research Station which was inaugurated this August.

Rewilding Europe Capital supports wildlife watching enterprise in Western Iberia

July 27, 2016  |  News

Wildlife Portugal, a wildlife tour operator, has become the fourth recipient of a Rewilding Europe Capital (REC) loan in the Western Iberia rewilding area. Wildlife Portugal is specialised in bird tours within the region and specifically in Faia Brava nature reserve. This enterprise focusses on wildlife watching, nature conservation and education.

Star Camp – Europe’s first real safari accommodation opens for guests

July 14, 2016  |  News

Star Camp – a unique safari-style camp overlooking Portugal’s Côa Valley, opened up in June to welcome and host its very first guests. This nature traveler’s dream was an idea conceived by Rewilding Europe back in 2013. Through collaboration with the Associação Transumância e Natureza (ATN), our main partner in Western Iberia and sole owner of the Faia Brava Reserve, this idea became reality making the Star Camp Europe’s first real safari-style accommodation.

Visiting rewilding areas is now just a click away!

July 13, 2016  |  News

Today, Rewilding Europe has launched a new safari trips section on its website, presenting various safari trip offers to our rewilding areas throughout Europe. Travellers, nature lovers, families, explorers and others who want to experience these destinations and desire to reconnect with nature can now book their preferred itineraries. The safari trips section will be expanded with additional tailor made offers on a regular basis.

Rewilding Europe receives CBF’s Seal of Approval

July 12, 2016  |  News

This July, after an in depth review, Rewilding Europe received the official charity recognition from the Dutch Bureau of Fundraising Organisations (CBF). Rewilding Europe now carries the CBF’s Seal of Approval for meeting the formulated criteria with regard to the disbursement of funds, governing board, policies, fundraising and accountability.

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